Oakland University - Aspire to Rise

Aspire to Rise is the Oakland University cry. It is the passion, drive and potential of aspiring students who inspire Oakland University to aspire to higher standards. This is where dreamers become doers. This is where the aspiring student, undergrad, graduate, professional and professor can rise to their potential.

We begin at the beginning. A parent is a child's greatest influence. And in those guiding moments, all we can truly ask of them is to live a life they can be proud of.


Aspire To Rise

Brand TV captures once in a lifetime moments, when you know you're on your way. Oakland University students aspire to rise, each in their own way. Find your moment to shine. 

Where Dreamers Become Doers  

:15 Digital Pre-Roll gets inspirational and intimate on specific Degrees offered at Oakland University.

Healing Is In My DNA  :15 Pre-Roll - Where nurses become specialized. 

Outdoor seeks to inspire you to ask more of yourself. Don't just dream. Do. 


Outdoor reinforces the power of professors who give a damn, pushing you beyond what's expected. They also attract students.

DIGITAL BANNERS & MICROSITE inspire potential students. An on-going, content building site for current students and professors to share their unique and aspirational stories: why they chose OU, what and who inspired them, what they aspire to and how they reached their goals and beyond.

These are their stories...

Who knows, I could be the freelance creative you've been aspiring to hire. Call me.